Feminine Cinema Cycle – 12th Screening
27.06 - 22h
Concert Hall
Germany | 25’ | 2017
Director: Judith Westermann
Cast: Jonathan Berlin, Ulrike Folkerts, Nurit Hirschfeld, Lasse Myhr
Producer: Anna-Katharina Maier
Trapped in the wrong body, Eileen wants to finally start living her life as a girl tomorrow. But today her best friend Ella throws a good-bye party for Eileen's old self Leon. The party turns into desaster when no one shows up. The two friends decide to confront the guests who didn't show and dive into an absurd odyssey thru town that changes everything.
France | 16’ | 2017
Director: Latifa Said
Cast: Slimane Dazi; Delphine Grandsart; Rachid Taha
Producer: Latifa Said, Rodrigo Areias
Production Company: Saudade Productions, Bando à Parte
Suburbs of a big city. Omar, a worker from Maghreb, feels uncomfortable with women. Ambivalent, either he’s fascinated by them, or they make him afraid. When he meets Rita, a hooker, he tries to surpass his complex, discovering his own sexuality.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxBBrefd_nU&feature=youtu.be
France | 12’ | 2017
Director: Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Cast: Sara Verhagen, Françoise Miquelis, Nancy Tate, Sylvain Savard
Producer: Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Certas coisas deviam ficar em privado, não é?
Numa pequena vila da Flórida, uma jovem francesa vai com a sua mãe a uma consulta médica de rotina para servir de intérprete. No entanto, ela é surpreendida ao saber que, na verdade, vai participar num exame ginecológico. Mas as maiores revelações ainda estão para chegar...
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/219835552
Portugal | 7´29´| 2017
Director: Rita Figueira e Vânia Oliveira
Producer: Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design
The Devil wakes up and gets ready for another typical day of work in Hell when suddenly his routine is shaken by the sound of the doorbell, which announces the arrival of an unexpected visitor. It will turn out to be a work day different than usual, as in his daily round of inspection through Hell he will have the company of his mother, who will be the driving force of many conflicts, that will put him to the test.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/223372088
Portugal | 7´52´| 2017
Director: Joana Imaginário
Producer: Nuno Beato
By mistake, she drinks the paintbrush water and turns into a drawing. From that point on, the world of everyday things and the world of creation dance around a cabinet. Inside it, each moment, each memory and each action become unique. As a book grows and becomes real, we follow the Tocadora in her creative process as the unfolding of an imaginary journey.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/220836258
Portugal| 4’8’’|2017
Director: Tânia Franco
Producer: Tânia Franco
Shades of White is a short documentary that portraits the state of decadency lived in Bairro dos Pescadores.
Bairro dos pescadores is an old fisherman's neighborhood built 44 years ago. After risking their lives in the sea this people were left abandoned in poverty. Mostly visual, this short documentary portrais how this fisherman and their families live.
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