Sarah Klimsch maps her latest work cycle in this piece. It presents a catalogue of images in which the projects she created during this period are confronted with each other, as well as with the materials, spaces, instruments and moments that mark this sequence. This Projects & Ideas Unifier Map is a manual of personal identity that compresses the information accumulated during a specific phase, so it can be organized and understood in a mind map. The standardization of the images intends to homogenize its content in order to break any existing hierarchy, enhancing simultaneous a more sober graphical grid where the intervening elements relate as equals.
Curated by Carmo Osul and Isabel Trabulo for the platform Floating Islands of Saco Azul.
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Saco Azul, Maus Hábitos,
Rua Passos Manuel 178
4º andar
4000-382 Porto
Produção & Programação Artística
Assessoria de Imprensa