“The greatest event of my life took the form of a recovery. Where in between purges, fever, sobbing, toe stubbing and the freezing cold. I thought profoundly on those who have spent years of their lives pursuing degrees in how to communicate and like there is nothing like coming upon someone who clearly couldn’t care less about the rules of anything except the exact amount of cheese on a grilled sandwich.
A grilled sandwich or the name of those silver balls used to decorate cakes during the 90 ́s.
Now that I find myself better, I spend most of my time being helpful without lifting suspicion. I think less, reducing nearly all of the things that i used to pick on. Like why Adília Lopes has a cat and not a Chihuahua the great one of the Chihuahuan Desert.
What brought me here to this convalescing state was a heartbreak. A heartbreak full of flaws and unhappy coincidences. like those that make people walk on pilgrimages to Santiago or Fátima. I must say that I hate walking so it will be probable that I will wrap and unwrap myself several times until I acknowledge the irreversible expiration date of the heart and gut.”
Maria Bleck
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