“Humanity undergoes at the moment an historic turning point, confirmed by the progresses taking place in various fields. The successes that contribute to people’s well-being are admirable, for example, in health, education and communication. However we cannot forget that most of the men and women of our time live precariously, with dire consequences. Some diseases increase. Fear and despair take hold of many people’s heart, even in so-called rich countries. The joy of live often fades; lack of respect and violence grows, social inequality becomes increasingly present. It becomes necessary to fight for a living, and often live with little dignity. This change was caused by huge and fast, both qualitative and quantitative, accumulated leaps, that can be verified in the scientific progress, in the technological innovation and in its rapid application in various areas of nature and life. We’re in the era of knowledge and information, source of new forms of a power, often anonymous.”
in Evangelii Gaudium
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