Aromas do tempo [Scents of time]
Susana Chiocca
Cycle "Poetic or Political?", curatorship by João Baeta
[Free Entry]
I thought this work around questions of advertising, of propaganda, of fake, of fiction, of invasion and a personal exhaustion around the image. I wanted something more material, half Hischhorn of brown tape and/or cardboard coming out of the mupis through the ceiling, or to put soil and seeds and a watering process so that plants would grow during the exhibition, or that a sizeable piece of meat would rot in another of the frames; I thought of a kind of mirror reflection with a clown wig and the face would be that of each one of us; a bone hanging as a metaphor for Alexandre O'Neill's poem, or a speaker with a text engraved on it... what was left was the stone, the bone and another text. The stone that could serve as a symbol of a , the bone / self-portrait and the text describing the place of the speaker and an excerpt from the poem Idea of Beauty by Olga Novo that refers to the ephemerality and intensity of sex…
… we leave we do not know where with the certainty that beauty is not a fugacious thing, it lasts in a time proper to contemplation and maturation.
Since 1999 she has participated in several exhibitions, events and workshops. and programmed mainly in the area of performance as the space a Sala (created with António Lago, 2006-2010), the exhibition O Dizer do Corpo (Espaço Ilimitado, 2010) the events Acesso de Vertigem #1 and #2 (Maus Hábitos 2018-2019).
Her artistic practice explores drawing, installation, video, sound, photography and performance.
Since 2005 she has developed several performative projects around the text, crossing performance, video and music, such as the BITCHO project (2012...) or Balla Prop together with Ana Ulisses (2007-2011).
She works in an intuitive way the moment and the political-social actuality, trying to print and relate the various events, absorbing from the other, and giving back to him his reflections, sonorities and imagery.
Susana Chiocca has a PhD in Contemporary Art from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca and a degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.
She is a guest lecturer at the Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra, Balleteatro and Universidade Lusófona do Porto.
Ficha Técnica
Poetic or Political?
Curated by: João Baeta
Production: Mariana Vitale
Communication: Filipe Confraria, Mariana Vitale e Rodrigo Rosas
Print: Lumen
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Rua Passos Manuel 178
4º andar
4000-382 Porto
Produção & Programação Artística
Assessoria de Imprensa