DouBle Stereo is a project that aims to point on the complex problematics of gentrification in the post-modern area, produced by the association 23.03 (Reims, Fr) who’s mission is to endorse the creation and dissemination of art and promote an intercultural dialogue through artistic projects. Its engine is the notion of territory, defying union and bringing different artistic responses face to face. For this 8th edition of DouBle Stereo, the participating artists are Horácio Frutuoso (Pt) and Nicolas Canot (Fr), who will meet in Porto for an exhibition in Maus Hábitos.
Ficha Técnica
Artista: Horácio Frutuoso + Nicolas Canot
Peça: “Finitas Contagens Para Infinitas Variações”
Performer: Tales Frey
Curadoria: Carmo Osul
Produção: Carmo Osul e Carolina Santos
Agradecimentos: André Covas
Projecto: Lorem Ipsum
Other events
Saco Azul, Maus Hábitos,
Rua Passos Manuel 178
4º andar
4000-382 Porto
Produção & Programação Artística
Assessoria de Imprensa